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economics - analysis - strategy

A winter peaking SWIS: how will you respond? lie; cry; deny
Peak electricity demand in Western Australia’s Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) has historically coincided the very hot weather...

The privatisation debate: Let's settle down Australia
My hairdresser (nee financier) recently asked me a leading question.... "with the election coming up you must have a view on the...

The beginning of December - time for winding down at work and attending endless corporate Christmas parties for some, but for others it...

What do you do with a half-baked cake?
I was asked this very question recently in relation to the deferral of the State Government’s energy reform package. It is a good analogy...

Funding economic research in the modern era
Imagine you are one of the founding fathers of economics, how do you fund the publication of your research? Apparently crowd-funding!...

Privatisation is a dirty word - federal election fallout
The federal election is over but the 'Mediscare' campaign lives on. In the 2016 federal election, the Labor party ran a campaign against...
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