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Funding economic research in the modern era

Imagine you are one of the founding fathers of economics, how do you fund the publication of your research?

Apparently crowd-funding!


Professor Rod O’Donnell from the University of Technology in Sydney has started a crowd-funding project to get all the writings of John Maynard Keynes published.

Despite his notoriety and extensive contributions to the school of economic thought, important writings by Keynes remain unpublished. These cover his contributions to economics, philosophy and politics and his activities as an academic, public servant and citizen. His economic thinking remains highly relevant due to weaknesses in mainstream theory and policy.

While the project has had great non-financial support, it is expected that the project will require around $150,000 and support research assistance and document collection for Stage 1 of the project. Stage 1 will open volumes dealing with Keynes's formative years at Eton and his early years at Cambridge University, including his first engagement with philosophy.

For further information on the project, or to donate please go to:

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