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areas of expertise


Economic, financial, commercial and regulatory analysis

Point performs its own modelling to ensure that all advice and deliverables are underpinned by quality, accurate analyses. We provide analysis and modelling services including:

cost and expenditure forecasting

performance reporting

cost benefit analysis

market modelling

impact assessments

business case development, and

feasibility assessments.


Design, development and implementation

Point has significant experience working with and for regulated businesses. We offer services including:

design, development and implementation of regulatory frameworks including market design, incentive design, legislative drafting and stakeholder engagement

justification of forecast revenue requirements through robust defensible analysis and modelling, justification of prior expenditure, compliance audits and due diligence activities, and

design, development and implementation of commercial regulatory strategies.

Analysis, development, agenda setting and evaluation

Public policy

Point continues to drive policy for regulators and governments to promote effective market design and competition in monopoly services. We provide experience in:

national and international policy development, consultation and implementation with a focus on competition, regulation, strategy, finance and legislative issues

assessing policy positions and determining commercial impacts of decisions on business outcomes, developing compliant business processes and developing robust defendable submissions for consideration

project management of large policy reform programs of work, and

development and delivery of training on current and future legislative frameworks underpinning market design and operation and industry regulation. 

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